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Turning to gardening

Turning to gardening

Turning to gardening

It is lovely to see so many people turning to gardening for the first time or even just enjoying the beautiful Devon landscape. We are all looking for ways to keep the mind and soul in harmony and exploring new opportunities or learning new skills. Many people are also taking on board the cost of food and are keen to grow their own fruit and vegetables.


During 2020, many people turned to their gardens through the first lockdown and it was interesting to watch on all the social media platforms how people were getting involved. Unfortunately, people were getting very frustrated as the gardens centres were not allowed to open at first. Sadly, many specialist nurseries were closed and due to not being able to trade, it is extremely upsetting that these nurseries will never return and their expertise specialising in particular plant collections has been lost.

Gardening has never been so important since the 2nd world war as seed and online sales for gardening supplies hit the roof. At first it was a struggle to get compost for gardening tasks, even for me it was hard to carry on working under strict COVID-19 conditions for supplies and plants for contracted work. What was fantastic was to see the great British public with their enthusiasm to put pressure on the government to allow garden centres to reopen as it is proven to have great health benefits and is a great form of exercise.


As the new gardening season for 2021 gets underway, I feel that people will need support more than ever in their gardens to achieve their goals. Lady Horticulturist will be on hand to aid you. If you need a helping hand you can book a zoom slot for an informal chat.